I have been debating ever since I started my blog about whether I want to write about anything political. It is easy to share recipes or stories about my days as a mom, but not quite as easy to write about something a little more controversial. Let’s be honest though, it is not a secret that I am conservative in most of my beliefs or that I strongly disagree with our current president. I think the biggest problem with our society is that anyone who has an opinion different than the politically progressive liberals is afraid to speak up for fear of being labeled as a hateful, homophobic, racist.
The thing is, that while I do believe, for example, that in the eyes of God and the church that marriage is between a man and a woman, I actually do not think that is an important issue for this election. The decision has been made in the courts and as a Christian it is only my job to love others as He loved us. My fear is, though, that the media is going to focus on certain “gotcha” social issues like that one and totally ignore other important things like national defense and the economy... and this entitlement society we live in is scary and dangerous, folks.
I LOVE watching the Republican debates. I think this is hands down the most important election we have ever had in our country. I do not like the path that America is going down, and I truly believe if a conservative candidate cannot beat Hillary Clinton (or Bernie Sanders…seriously?) that America will never be the same. As I have watched the debates and followed the candidates, I have gone back and forth over who I am going to vote for. I actually haven’t decided yet, so I am going to give my thoughts on where they each stand after the debate last night. I would love some (nice, respectful) feedback on what you all think, too!
First off, those moderators. They were absolutely terrible. I could not believe how disrespectful their questions were, but that is the mainstream media for you. They managed to put down each and every candidate and were just flat out RUDE. I was pretty impressed with how most candidates handled it, and I LOVED when Cruz and others called them out. That was awesome.
As for the candidates:
Donald Trump: Right out of the gates my husband supported Trump and I said NO WAY. I was seriously concerned he would be the nominee or, even worse, run as a third party candidate. The funny thing is, as time has gone on Phil has decided Trump is probably not his vote, and Trump has actually grown on me (just a little!) He is still NOT my vote, but he sure does keep things interesting right?! I LOVE how he does not care about political correctness and how he calls out the mainstream media. I don’t think he had a great performance last night, but I thought it was hilarious when he called out Kasich when he tried to attack him. I also think he has softened up some since the beginning and comes off as a little more likable.
Ben Carson: In the beginning, he had my vote. I think he is an amazingly smart man that truly looks to God for guidance, which is just what this country needs. He spoke at a work event for Phil, and he has an amazing story. I am going to be honest though, I have not been overly impressed with him the last two debates, especially last night. I don’t know what it is, but I just don’t see him as president. If he ends up getting the nomination, I would back him 100 percent, but I am not feeling as enthusiastic as I was before.
Jeb Bush: Ugh. I am so unimpressed. For anyone that knows me well, you know I LOVE me some George W. Bush. I think George W is a great man and did the best he could for our country and truly loves America. I love the entire family, really…except Jeb. He is just SO unlikeable and so boring. I cannot get behind him.
Marco Rubio: Right now, I am strongly considering voting for Rubio. I think his debate performances have been excellent. He is very convicted and the more I see, the more I like. I don't know a lot about him, though, so I definitely need to do my research.
Carly Fiorina: I am SO impressed by Fiorina. I think she is an excellent debater. She comes off as extremely smart. I feel like I learn something from all of her answers and she is so clear and direct. And can you imagine a debate between Hillary and Fiorina? I would pay money to see that. I think she would also be an excellent VP candidate.
Mike Huckabee: For someone that doesn’t get a lot of camera time, I think Huckabee did great last night. He is so likable, and I love how he doesn’t attack the other candidates. I actually voted for Huckabee in the last primary election. He is one of my favorites even though he isn’t a front-runner.
Ted Cruz: At first I did not like Cruz at all. He comes off as a little hokey and cheesy to me. However, the more I see of him, the more I like him. He stands by what he believes and does what he says he is going to do. And how AWESOME was it when he called out those terrible moderators?! That was the best moment of the entire debate. I think he had a really good debate performance last night.
Chris Christie: I don’t agree with Christie on some issues, but I do think he is an excellent debater. I don’t plan to vote for him, but I think he is really important for the debates. My favorite moment of his was when he called out the moderators for asking a question about fantasy football, when they had not even touched on ISIS. Seriously, though, that is what is wrong with this country! I also think he is strong on national defense, which I like.
Rand Paul: Meh. I just don’t like him. I do agree with him on making the government smaller and probably some other issues, but he is definitely not my guy.
John Kasich: He isn’t my favorite, either. I hated how he started the debate attacking everyone. He took the moderators' bait, and that is exactly what they wanted him to do. I think that is why I loved it when Trump called him out. I do think he has some good ideas and has done great things in Ohio. I just won’t be voting for him.
I think that just about covers it. I am excited to see how the rest of this election cycle plays out. As for now, I would like to see a Rubio/Fiorina ticket. That may change, though. The one thing that will not change, is that I truly believe every single candidate on the stage would be, as Huckabee said, a better president than Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton every day of the week and twice on Sunday. I mean, come on y'all...can we at least agree on that?!
Now back to sharing recipes and mama stories... ;)
Now back to sharing recipes and mama stories... ;)