I LOVE Christmas cards. The month of December is my absolute favorite time of year to check the mail. In this world of social media and digital everything, there is something so special and exciting about getting pictures and cards from friends and family that make the effort to place a real stamp on something. We love to hang them in our house and pray thankful prayers for the sweet families that we are so blessed to have in our lives. I also love taking our Christmas card pictures. Why wouldn't I? We have the perfect family, and the perfect kids who happily smile for the camera and make the experience so enjoyable. (Anyone that actually knows my family is already laughing at the last sentence.)
Let me give you a little background of our "perfect" Christmas card picture this year. It looks something like this: The week before the picture, I am trying to plan out our outfits....because, clearly, if we are going to sit happily in a field at sunset, like we do most evenings in the fall, we need to all be color coordinated. This is usually somewhat challenging, because solids are the way to go, and solids apparently aren't "in" for babies. Since shopping with a two year old and a baby is such a relaxing experience, I usually choose the "buy everything remotely cute and take back what doesn't work method." Phil loves this method and is super thrilled to not only pay for formal pictures, but also pay for new outfits for the entire family (well for everyone but him...it always seems to work that way. ;))
The day of pictures this year, I dropped Cole at school and headed to get an eyebrow wax...because clearly I needed freshly waxed eyebrows to go with my new outfit. As I was laying back relaxing in the chair and the skin was being ripped from my face, my cell phone rang. It was Cole's school (which is NEVER a good phone call to get.) The sweet preschool director on the phone said, "Cole is okay, but he's been crying all day and saying his ear hurts. We think you need to come get him." Oh no...not on picture day! (Selfish mom confession, this may have been my first thought.) I called the doctor and made an appointment as I headed to Cole's school. The doctor confirmed that, sure enough, he had his first ear infection since he got his tubes back in January.
Since it was a beautiful day and rescheduling with Phil's schedule is nearly impossible, we decided to take the pictures anyways. Just getting Cole dressed for the occasion was a battle in itself. Now I was running twenty minutes late (and I am someone who HATES to be late.) I arrived flustered and already sweating. Thankfully with some medicine and tylenol, Cole was back to himself, but like any impossible two-year-old, he was being SO disagreeable. The first time Cole ran away screaming, Phil threw his hands in the air, and said "I give up, this is pointless at his age." You give up?! What do you mean you give up? We JUST got here. This is no time to give up! We will look like one big happy family if it kills us. Isn't that what Christmas is all about?!
So there we were...Cole with an ear infection, Phil sweating and in a bad mood, me irritated at Phil for being impatient (oh and sweet Annie just sitting there smiling...thank the Lord for sweet Annie.) Cole was running away towards the playground he could see in the distance, and Phil was having to chase him, tackle him, tickle him and throw him in the air to get him to smile for the pictures. At one point Cole tackled Annie and was basically wresting her in the dirt. I have to give a shout-out to my friend and amazingly talented and patient photographer Jamie, because she is clearly a MIRACLE worker for getting this beautiful picture and so many other good ones that day.
The gorgeous pictures don't necessarily tell the entire story of what our family looked like that day (although I am pretty sure Jamie has some hilarious outtakes). So why "fake" it? The truth is, the picture with Cole's HUGE smile perfectly describes Cole at his best. That is the two year old that I adore and that is constantly making us laugh. The smiles on mine and Phil's face may not reflect our attitudes towards each other that day, but they do reflect the love we have for each other and our little family. Annie's calm nature came through in her sweet little grin.
A few weeks later we attempted a grandparents photo shoot, and Phil and my brother weren't able to be there (since the first attempt at pictures was cancelled because half the family had the stomach bug.) We had a very similar experience to our family pictures. The toddlers were running in different directions, the babies were crying and kicking off their shoes, and my dad was complaining that his knee hurt. Bless Jamie's heart, because she had to WORK to get some pictures that day. We laughed so hard we cried, and somehow we ended up with sweet pictures like this one...pictures that show Nanna and Mac at their best, loving on their sweet grandbabies that adore them.
So no, we don't take these pictures so our family looks perfect. Clearly, we are far from it. The pictures don't tell the entire story. There are so many moments in between the big smiles that might not look so picture-perfect. The pictures represent us at our best, which is exactly how Jesus sees us. In a world that can be dark and negative, Jesus is the light that shines in all of us and the reason for all of the good we see. Christmas is a time to celebrate his birth and to worship the one that sees the best in everyone.
So when I look back at our Christmas card this year, I will smile. It is the perfect representation of our family at our best. Please keep sending us pictures of your smiling faces, too. They brighten our house and remind us just how much our Father loves us, by putting such special people in our lives.
REJOICE! Merry Christmas, Love, The Adra Family.
I also attempted to surprise Phil with a picture of me and the kids, and well, this was the best we got. You can't win 'em all!